
Keyword tags found on Third Edge of the Sword

As previously covered in this space about a month ago, Blogger is currently offering a beta version featuring new layouts, private posting abilities, and keyword tagging. The third reason almost tempted me to sign up, but I felt better not to do so at this time. I will wait for the universal switchover, probably around the new year.

Until then though, I figured that it would be far better to have a list of the tags used for the site, and I can update them as I see fit in preparation for the big day. This way, I'll have a better idea what tags I should be applying to pre-existing content (if that capability exists). This post will be available on the internal sitemap on the right, and will remain there after the 2.0 conversion to better allow people to see which tags might interest them. Whether it will be a new post or tacked onto this one remains to be seen.

Without further adieu then, I present to you the keywords that I will be using when Third Edge of the Sword switches over to Blogger Beta (which will cease to be Beta at that point):

  1. Baseball (#mlb)
  2. Hockey (#NHL)
  3. Edmonton current events (#yeg)
  4. Alberta politics (#ableg)
  5. Canadian politics (#roft)
  6. American politics (#tcot)
  7. International politics
  8. Comedy
  9. Personal
  10. YouTube
  11. Physics and Science
  12. Blog management
  13. Women
  14. Food and Drink
  15. Sports
  16. Entertainment
  17. Investigation and Research
  18. Movies
  19. Photos
  20. Race, Religion, and Sex (added February 16th 2007)
  21. Stupid Environment (added June 6th 2007)

More (perhaps) to come!

Update, February 14 2007 1:32pm: Now that Blogger has forced me to go to the new version, I have edited this post to include links to the labels listed here.

Update, June 5 2010 1:11pm: With the rise of Twitter, several of the tags have been renamed to their associated Twitter tags. The original names are still listed alongside, where appropriate.


WomanHonorThyself said...

hey there!..Thanks for explainin the whole deal..I didnt even realize what it was all about.lol..:)